Celebrating our guardians of the wild

NOIDA, July 31, 2013: When people talk about wildlife they agree on the need to protect them, how they need to be kept safe from all those determined to profit from them. Not talked about often, however, are the people trying to do exactly that – the...

A rendezvous in the forest

Wayanad: WTI's Ramith M regularly walks down the corridor trying to track elephant herds using it. He describes one of his most fascinating experiences with the astounding animals on a walk through the...

Confessions of a Tiger Poacher

Fifteen kilometres inside a tiger reserve, where tigers, leopards, elephants freely roam, Jose Louies was part of a search party out on a mission to recover tiger traps hidden by a four-member gang of tiger poachers. This is the second part of the...

5 year plan for wild buffalo conservation

Nagpur, November 13, 2012: In a boost to the conservation of the wild buffalo, officials from the forest departments of four states met with experts from the IUCN’s Asia Wild Cattle Specialist Group, Satpuda Foundation, NDRI, CCMB, Edinburgh Zoo...

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