Confessions of a Tiger Poacher

Confessions of a Tiger Poacher

Fifteen kilometres inside a tiger reserve, where tigers, leopards, elephants freely roam, Jose Louies was part of a search party out on a mission to recover tiger traps hidden by a four-member gang of tiger poachers. This is the second part of the lo

5 year plan for wild buffalo conservation

Nagpur, November 13, 2012: In a boost to the conservation of the wild buffalo, officials from the forest departments of four states met with experts from the IUCN’s Asia Wild Cattle Specialist Group, Satpuda Foundation, NDRI, CCMB, Edinburgh Zoo and

Monitor lizard rescued in Noida

Noida, October 25, 2012: A 2.5 feet long monitor lizard was rescued from a drainage tank at a metro station compound by IFAW-WTI (International Fund for Animal Welfare - Wildlife Trust of India) veterinarians, responding to a distress call.

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