

Dire Straits and Desperate Vets

Back in 2019, a tragedy of epic proportions had unfolded at Sambhar Lake, Rajasthan. Thousands of birds, of which, many of these migratory species had died, with almost 5000 bird carcasses buried at last count. Our team of vets and emergency respondents took no time in attending to this crisis with the help of one of the local NGOs, Raksha Jaipur. On World Migratory Bird Day, we share with you our film “Dire Straits and Desperate Vets” based on the series of events that happened at Sambhar Lake, our response and the results. We are extremely thankful to Raksha Jaipur and HCL Foundation for their tireless support in this journey through which we could successfully rescue and release over 500 migratory birds in a month’s time. We are also thankful to Nimbu Soda Films for putting together this film.

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